Music From Fallout New Vegas

Music From Fallout New Vegas 4,4/5 1733 votes

Find fallout new vegas tracks, artists, and albums. Find the latest in fallout new vegas music at Fallout: New Vegas songs. In the Shadow of the Valley. Heartaches by the Number. I'm Movin' Out. Lone Star (song) It's a Sin to Tell a Lie. Something's Gotta Give. Jingle, Jangle, Jingle.

Fallout New Vegas features a brand new music engine vs. that of the one used within Fallout 3 and Oblivion, which has effectively rendered the music tab within the creation of cells useless. This tutorial will help in the understanding of the new music engine and how to use it, and to add music to your created worldspaces and cells.

  • 2Media Set
  • 3Media Location Controller
  • 5The Audio Marker

The Audio Tab

The Audio Tab, located within the Object Window, is the location of every piece of audio in the game(with the exclusion of Dialogue). Here there are 5 Sub-Tabs; Acoustic Space, Media Location Controller, Media Set, Music Type, and Sound. We will focus on the 3 needed for music; Media Location Controller, Media Set, and Music Type. There is also some inclusion of the Sound tab, which I will discuss, however, I rarely use this tab for music controllers.

Media Set

The Media Set is where you create how the type of music you want, and different ways to control the effect. When you create a media set, you have four media set type options to choose from; Battle Set, Dungeon Set, Incidental Set, and Location Set. You will also have where you can type in the ID of the media set. The 'Full Name' box has no effect, so I usually leave it blank.

Battle Set

The first option of the four media set types is the 'Battle Set'. This set is used strictly for music that will be played during combat. When you choose the battle set, you will get 3 boxes. The first and last one, Intro and Outro, both use files from the 'Sound' Tab. These create intro's and outro sounds to your piece. Respectively, this could be compared to the 'Finale' folder from the Fallout 3 Combat Music folder. However, the new music engine uses cross fading between music tracks when transitioning from combat music to regular music, so I usually leave these 2 blank as it just adds more unneeded noise.The 'Loop' box is where you will actually choose the Folder or MP3 file you want the media set to use when playing combat music. Click it, and then the file directory menu will come up, and from there, you can choose where you want the media set to play the music from.After that, you have the 'Loop Fade Out Time' Box, which decides how long it takes for the battle track to fade out while transitioning back to the ambient/dungeon track. The default for this is 6 seconds, however, you can change it to whatever number of seconds you like up to.The finale piece is the 'Recovery Time', which, stated within the media set, is the amount of time it takes before the music starts transitioning from from the combat piece back to the ambient piece after exiting combat.

Music From Fallout New Vegas

Dungeon Set

In the Dungeon set, you get the same box that you would in the Battle Set, but you also get an 'Explore' box and a 'Suspense' box.The 'Explore' box is the type of music that will play when exploring a dungeon. I personally don't know exactly what the 'Suspense' box is for, but, I would believe it would be used in moments such as where your detected by an NPC within a dungeon(i.e. the NPC hears a noise and goes to investigate), however, you have not entered combat.After those 2, you have the Battle Set interface, and then below that, 3 more timers.The 3 timers are called 'Minimum Time on Layer', 'Looping/Random Crossfade Overtime Lap', and 'Layer Cross Fade Time'. These essentially all work the same, as they control sound transitions when cross fading from dungeon to combat and vice versa.

Incidental Set

Fallout nv music

Incidental Media Sets are used by Regions to play random clips of music and sounds. In order for these Media Sets to play correctly, they need to be attached to a Region under the Sound Tab, and the Region cannot be attached to a World Space. To link this type of Media Set and the Region to the world, they need to be attached to an Acoustic Space under the Inherit Sounds from Region tab, then the Acoustic Space can be attached to cells, either interior or exterior to play these Incidental Media Sets. These Media Sets have two boxes, 'Daytime', and 'Nighttime', and unlike the other sets, they do not use music folders, but instead use sets found within the 'sound' tab.

Location Set

Here, you get a general music layout to work with to create an ambient music controller. A prime example of this would be the music you hear within public places such as Doc Mitchell's house and the Hoover Dam. Within this you get two major sections, 'Day' and 'Night', which respectively resembles music played at day, and music played at night.Within them, you get 3 different boxes that you can enable or disable, called 'Outer', 'Middle', and 'Inner'. These 3 boxes actually relate to boundaries within Audio Markers, which are what you actually use to add the music to your worldspace. I will expand upon this more with the 'Audio Marker' section of the tutorial. You click on the boxes like with the Battle and Dungeon sets, and choose the folder or mp3 file that you want the controller to play music from.

Media Location Controller

Now you have your Media Sets made and completed. The Media Location Controller is the next step of understanding the New Vegas music engine. Here, you can add different media sets to be used within your location.

Ambient Music Sets

Within the Ambient Music slot, you have 6 different sets to play with, the Battle, Location, Enemy, Neutral, Friend, and Ally sets. Below is a list to what each one does;

-Battle; Battle Music to be played within the area.-Location; Your general music. If your just want certain ambient tracks to play(like something similar to Oblivion/Fallout 3), this is where you would put your ambient media sets.-Enemy; Music that plays in relation to when your in an area controlled by an Enemy Faction(Relates to Conditional Faction).-Neutral; Music that plays in relation to when your in an area controlled by a Neutral Faction(Relates to Conditional Faction).- Friendly; Music that plays in relation to when your in an area controlled by a Friendly Faction(Relates to Conditional Faction).-Ally; Music that plays in relation to when your in an area controlled by an Ally Faction(Relates to Conditional Faction).

Beside these, you also have 'Conditional Faction', which determines what Faction controls the area, and then the option to completely control what type of music to play when in that faction controlled area(For example, you can be in an Ally Faction controlled area, but have it set to where it will always play Enemy Controlled Faction Music.).

Below that, you have the looping options 'Loop', which is used to loop the music tracks like in Fallout 3; 'Random', which plays music tracks randomly; 'Re-trigger', which uses a delay to wait in between tracks, and then go back and 're trigger' the same track to play; and NONE, which effectively cuts off looping, and after all the ambient tracks play, there will be no more music.

On the bottom, you get Day/Night transition times, which determines when daytime music is played, and when night-time music is played. The default for night is set at 31:30, however, the media controllers used by Obsidian have night starting at 23:54.

Music Type

Music Type is what was used within the old music engine used within Fallout 3/Oblivion, thus is rendered useless in overall generalized used. However, Music Types can still be used to overwrite Media Sets/Location Controllers by using scripting, much like music playing during scripted events within FPS games such as Halo.

The Audio Marker

Songs From Fallout New Vegas Mojave Radio

The Audio Marker is what you use to place your music/media sets within your worldspace or cell. Placement of Audio Markers is very much like placing a Map Marker. You go into the 'Static Tab' of the Object Window, and then choose the Audio Marker, which respectively uses the reference ID 'AudioMarker'. After you place your audio marker, double click it to edit it like you would an NPC. Here you get your basic edit template that is used whenever editing an object in the render window. However, within the tabs section, audio markers have a second special tab called 'Audio Marker'. Here, you have the Audio Marker Location Name, which I generally leave blank as it has no effect, and a 'AudioMarker Dialogue' box. Click the AudioMarker Dialogue box and a menu will pop up and there will be a drop down box listing all the Media Location Controllers. Choose the one you want to use and hit ok, and then your done. You officially have music within your cell/worldspace.

Radius and Layer Triggers

When you click your AudioMarker Dialouge, you will notice 3 options, 'Radius', 'Layer 2 Trigger', and 'Layer 3 Trigger'. Radius determines how far out(in Units) your Audio Marker will reach out, determining the controlled area where your music will play inside that radius. Layer 2 and Layer 3 triggers relate to the 'Outer', 'Middle', and 'Inner' parts of the Location Controllers. Each part is a trigger that controls when each layer plays while within the radius of the Audio Marker. However, you can set them all to zero, thus when using Locations Sets, it will use the same music through out the radius of the marker. When doing this, make sure you use only the 'Outer' part of the Location Set, as when you set the layer triggers to zero, it will use only the outer layer.

Music From Fallout New Vegas Free


Music From Fallout New Vegas Shows

And there you have it, the basic understanding of the New Vegas music engine, and how to add music to your worldspaces/cells(and at the same time replace music). While replacing music is no longer as simple as dropping mp3 files within specific music folders to listen to the tunes you want like in Fallout 3, you can still overwrite the individual music files for that of your own, however, this is a daunting task due to the sheer amount of different Media Controllers and Media Sets. I hope you've found my tutorial helpful, and if you have any questions, feel free to PM on the Nexus.

(Note: If needed, this tutorial will be expanded upon in the future.)

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