Most Fun Dota 2 Hero

Most Fun Dota 2 Hero 4,0/5 2516 votes

Custom games arrived in Dota 2 as part of last September’s Reborn update, turning Valve’s world-conquering wizard ‘em up into a platform for experimental community multiplayer game development (and loads of tower defense games.) Many of them are ideal for those moments when you don’t have time for real Dota but you want to play something with your friends—or for those awkward scenarios when you’ve got six people wanting to play a five-person game. Even so, it can be hard to sort out the killer wheat from the naff chaff. Fear not! We’ve done it for you.

Strongest Hero In Dota 2

Jeremy n smith. The hardest hero to play in dota is either Meepo or Earth Spirit purely because I'm so slow at using my Meepo's. The most fun hero in the game for me is probably Lich as its extremely easy and I usually play with friends; we lane and almost every time I pull off an Ultra kill or something with my ultimate. Lich is EXTREMELY good with a Faceless void or anybody else who can group people together for a long time such as Chaos Knight. The Eight Best Dota 2 Heroes for a Beginner to Rock Right Away. Dota 2 is known for its complicated strategies, twisted mind games and a ridiculous amount of information you have to learn about. If you are coming to the game fresh, the number of Dota 2 characters can be overwhelming.

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