Horsehead Nebula Mass Effect

Horsehead Nebula Mass Effect 3,5/5 4250 votes
  1. Mass Effect 3 Petra Nebula
  2. Mass Effect 3 Arcturus Stream
  3. Mass Effect 3 Trebia
Horsehead Nebula Mass Effect

Horsehead Nebula. There’s no Reapers near here and no assets to uncover either; just a Fuel Depot that allows you to refill your tank to the brim. Treat it as a pit-stop between galaxies. In the Hydra. solar system scanning the planet Canrum. will unveil a new War Asset - Haptic Optics Array. For Mass Effect 2 on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'i'm blind, where is horsehead nebula'.

Mass Effect Origin: Ghost of the Terminus

Year 2154, Unknown Cerberus Lab.

Looking at the young test tube infant who lay in the medical tank that could hold a grown man, was a young woman with red hair and deep blue eyes. This young woman's name was Hannah Shepard and the infant in the tank was her unnamed son. Hannah was a head scientist for the human terrorist group known as Cerberus.

Now why is the head scientist looking at a glass tube holding her infant son? Well it's obvious: he is her research subject. Her goal was to use him as a means to create the perfect human, one who could out-think even the brightest salarian, overpower any asari matriarch in biotics, heal faster and outfight most krogan, adapt to the harshest conditions and environments as well as retaining their human form with no defects. Today she had done just that, but she did not feel joy or a sense of accomplishment. Instead she felt as if she was making a terrible mistake with genetically modifying her son. Months ago when the Illusive Man himself ordered her to create the first perfect human by using a combination of her DNA as well as his own, she was shocked to say the least. At first she was excited, but as the months passed of her growing the young boy in the tank she couldn't help but feel an attachment to him. Now though she was dreading telling the Illusive Man about the success, she sent him the report anyway detailing the results in higher brain function, muscle development and the high metabolism rates. Unfortunately the biotic nodes in the boy are very small almost unnoticeable and would only provide minimal biotic control making a weak aura at best.

Several minutes passed until the Illusive Man responded back: 'Expose the subject to Eezo, doing so will most likely cause his biotic abilities to manifest. Also keep me updated on any new progress regarding the subject. If the Eezo does not work use the data from Pragia sent in this message.' That was the feather that broke the camel's back

'Is he insane?! Exposing the boy to element zero could just as well give him various tumors if not poison him! And if he somehow lives the work from Pragia will definitely kill him!' Hannah said to herself even though there was no one in the room.

It was then she decided it was time to leave Cerberus in the most spectacular of ways by destroying the station. Walking back to her son, she drained the fluid from the tube, opened it and for the first time picked up her son who opened his eyes for the first time.

'His eyes are just like mine.' Jane thought. That was when she noticed that instead of crying as most babies do, he was merely looking up at her cooing and gurgling as if saying hello.

'Hello son, I'm your mommy! It's nice to finally meet you.' Hannah said with a big smile. The infant just let out a happy gurgle.

Hannah suddenly turned very serious and walked over to the computer and started the self deletion program on the terminal and started the station wide self destruct sequence faking it as a malfunction. She then went to where they stored the emergency mechs and programmed them fire on any and all other Cerberus personnel onsite. Then she, with precious time to spare, took her infant son to the hangar bay where the shuttles were. Since the station was so small, it only had one hangar bay and a few shuttles. After entering the hangar, she locked the passage from the station to the bay to make the rest of the staff was trapped inside with the mechs. After putting her son, who was giggling at what she was doing, into the co-pilot's seat she then went to the other shuttles and smashed their computers to make sure they couldn't function properly. Hannah Shepard was a very smart woman. In activating the mechs, she made sure that the rest of her xenophobic staff were getting killed or at least slowed down on the way toward the hangar bay. With locking the hangar doors she made sure they could not get out easily incase they made it past the mechs. With the destruction of the shuttle computers, she made sure any survivors wouldn't be able to leave the area. Finally, with the self-destruct initiated along with data deleted, she made sure the Illusive Man couldn't track her specifically thinking that she and her son died in the blast while the 'traitor' escaped in the missing shuttle.

Mass Effect 3 Petra Nebula

Now that she was finished she got onto the shuttle with her son aboard, took off and sped toward the nearest relay. Knowing that they were safe she looked her son who was now fast asleep.

'Well now that we are out of danger let's take a look at you.' she thought. He had her blue eyes that she knew, but not her hair color. Instead of fiery red like hers, it was midnight black.

'The Illusive Man didn't have black hair. It must be a side effect from the genetic tailoring.' she surmised. Her son yawned cutely and she couldn't help but aww at him.

'Well now you need a name don't you? Let's see…' she thought.

'What would be a good name for you?' she said absent mindedly. Then she thought of her father, the man who encouraged her to go into science in the first place. With a smile she said, 'Your name will be John. My little John Shepard.' It may have been her imagination, but she could have sworn when she said 'John Shepard' her son smiled in his sleep.

Mass Effect 3 Arcturus Stream

Cronos Station, Horsehead Nebula

'Sir, Alpha Station has just been destroyed.' a man in a research outfit said. He was in a dark room with a black tile floor which held the view of a beautiful supergiant with colors red and blue dominating each other for control, but instead of admiring the view he was looking at the man in the metallic chair facing away from him. The man wore a Giuli Vorn suit styled with several buttons with a chest pocket containing his favorite cigars. He appeared to be in his late twenties-early thirties. He had dark brown hair, wore a stern expression, but his most remarkable feature was his eyes. They were light blue instead of being natural; they looked synthetic especially with the circuit pattern of the iris. This man was Jack Harper or otherwise known as the Illusive Man.

'What happened to Alpha station?' the Illusive Man asked.

'We do not know, all we can gleam from what we can find is that someone hacked the mechs, doors, sabotaged the shuttles, deleted all the data and set off the self destruct.' said the researcher.

'Was there any sign of Doctor Shepard or the subject?' asked the Illusive Man. He had a feeling that it may have been Doctor Shepard who was behind this, because only someone with high security access could set off self destruct sequence AND control the mechs.

'No sir, but considering that the self destruct device was right under the main lab where she was stationed along with the subject it is highly probable she and the subject were vaporized in the explosion.' reasoned the researcher. True, it was the Illusive Man's idea after all incase someone attacked the station the device would be placed right the most important research was to help prevent the enemy from taking the data. But in this case T.I.M was not sure it was an enemy for one reason: the data wasn't taken, it was deleted.

'Hmmm.' the Illusive Man was silent for awhile as he thought.

Mass effect 3 annos basin

Mass Effect 3 Trebia

'Sir?' the researcher was thrown off guard as the Illusive Man spoke

'Nothing, if the data and Doctor Shepard are both gone, we will resort to plan B.'

The researcher rose an eyebrow 'plan b sir?'

'Yes, take the results and any earlier data to Henry Lawson. Tell him to keep in touch.'

'Yes sir.' With that the researcher left leaving the Illusive Man to his thoughts. Even though he was a little annoyed at the fact he just lost one of his best scientists and new subject he did not let it affect him all that much.

'This may be a setback, but it wasn't unexpected. After all bringing humanity to the apex of evolution will be difficult. Shame though, that boy would have been a great asset to humanity.' the Illusive Man thought.

Mindoir, Attican Traverse

'Well John say hello to your new home.' Hannah Shepard said to her son.

'ABAA!' John cooed out as he saw the fields of Mindoir.

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