Shortcut For Calculator In Windows 10

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With Windows 10, Microsoft replaced the classic Calculator program with a new Calculator app. The new Calculator app offers standard, scientific, programmer, and date calculation modes.

In addition to these modes, there are converters to calculate almost everything, including currency, volume, length, weight and mass, temperature, energy, area, speed, power, data, pressure, and angle.

Mar 8, 2019 - Create a calculator instance that can launched by hotkey or calculator. To a great one - has lead to Windows 10's success over Windows 8.

The current version of Windows 10 Calculator app is quite powerful and easily one of the best Calculate apps out there for Windows 10.

Since it offers many modes and options, most PC users use it regularly. If you also use the Calculator app very often, you might want to know the keyboard shortcuts available in the Calculator app to complete your calculations quickly.

Calculator app keyboard shortcuts in Windows 10

Download Calculator For Windows 10

This article itemizes keyboard shortcuts for the Windows 10 Calculator app.

Shortcut Key For Calculator In Computer

Alt + 1 Switch to standard mode
Alt + 2 Switch to scientific mode
Alt + 3 Switch to programmer mode
Alt + 4 Switch to date calculation mode
Esc Clear all input (select C)
Delete Clear current input (select CE)
Ctrl + H Turn calculation history on or off
Ctrl + M Store in memory
Ctrl + P Add to memory
Ctrl + Q Subtract from memory
Ctrl + R Recall from memory
Ctrl + L Clear memory
Ctrl + Shift + D Clear history
Up arrow Move up in history list
Down arrow Move down in history list
F9 Select ±
R Select 1/X
@ Calculate the square root
% Select %
F3 Select DEG in scientific mode
F4 Select RAD
F5 Select GRAD
Ctrl + G Select 10x
Ctrl + O Select cosh
Ctrl + S Select sinh
Ctrl + T Select tanh
Shift + S Select sin-1
Shift + O Select cos-1
Shift + T Select tan-1
Ctrl + Y Select y?x
D Select mod
L Select log
M Select dms
N Select In
Ctrl + N Select ex
O Select cos
P Select Pi
Q Select x2
S Select sin
T Select tan
V Select F-E
X Select Exp
Y, ^ Select xy
# Select x3
! Select n!
% Select Mode
F2 Select DWORD in programmer mode
F3 Select WORD
F4 Select BYTE
F5 Select HEX
F6 Select DEC
F7 Select OCT
F8 Select BIN
F12 Select QWORD
A-F Select A-F
J Select RoL
K Select RoR
< Select Lsh
> Select Rsh
% Select Mod
Select Or
^ Select Xor
~ Select Not
& Select And
Spacebar Toggle the bit value

Create Keyboard Shortcut For Calculator In Windows 10

If the Calculator app fails to open or work properly, refer to our fix to Calculator app not properly working or opening guide.

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