Legacy Of The Dragonborn Skyrim

Legacy Of The Dragonborn Skyrim 5,0/5 2306 votes

Self ported mod - while this guide may contain some texture and meshes ported from the Legacy version of Skyrim these will only be used if there is no SE equivalent. Mods that are used by the museum wont be ported by me. I will be adding mods that are supported by the museum but for one reason or another was left out of SRLE Extended LOTD. Shadriss on Skyrim Coin Replacer Redux OOC: Why on the fence? This is a great idea, more (shudder) immersive to the world, decidedly more lore-friendly, and while it does provide some slightly easier access to ebony it's easy to rebalance how much is needed to create a single ingot through xEdit patching, IIRC. In my experience, Legacy of the Dragonborn (while pretty awesome) is a very large, complex, performance heavy, script heavy, and somewhat buggy mod which has a decent amount of compatibility issues. This is made worse by the amount of other mods the author has merged into it. That is part of the reason why I personally stopped using LotD in my.

Scanners. Driver for lan to usb converter.

What I do

I have been a hobby game designer for many years. from board, card and RPG games to modifications for Doom, Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim, I have always enjoyed creating things and expanding universes that I enjoy. I am best known for my efforts with The Legacy of the Dragonborn mod, found on Nexus and the continuation project Odyssey of the Dragonborn, which is under development. Additionally I also have a player home entitled 'Bolar's Retreat' that has been in the works for some time (pictures available on my Mod Blog), and grand plans for a re-envisioning of the Legacy 'Explorer's Society' guild in a stand alone faction centered variant of Legacy entitled 'Relic Hunter'.

Skyrim Legacy Of The Dragonborn Umbra

Skyrim legacy of the dragonborn umbra
I have self published a pen and paper role playing game series entitled 'The CrossRoads of Eternity' and have several prototype board and card games in various stages of development.
Additionally I have aspired on a few occasions to write plays, short stories and even a couple attempts at novels and have a couple of literary projects in the works.

Why Patreon?

I love creating things. If I don't have an avenue to do so, I tend to go a little nuts. In the past, classical artists and musician always had benefactors or 'Patrons' (hence the term patreon) who would help financially support the artist who's work they admired, in order to allow them to continue working on said art which the patron and people at large would then get to enjoy. Often the patrons would also get special perks such as private performances, custom work, etc. Like all of us, I have bills to pay and a family to help support, and having any show of support here or through other donations on Nexus, enables me to attribute more time to working on these creative projects I enjoy so much rather than spending all of my time on handy man work, which pays well and I enjoy but is not my passion. All contributions received here are considered continued donations, any level of which I greatly appreciate, not only for the financial burden it help alleviate but more importantly for the show of support is symbolizes.

What's the Goal?

My creative efforts tend to focus and shift over time from project to project. Currently my focus is with Modding and I'll continue to nurture and cultivate Legacy of the Dragonborn as the foundational cornerstone of my modding fleet so to speak, my flag ship if you will, while working with many other developers to bring the sequel, Odyssey of the Dragonborn to life.
Other projects I will be focusing on over time will be the second edition of my RPG series The CrossRoads of Eternity as well as the Z-Day card game, GunMage RPG and Novelization. I also have a steam punk themed dungeon crawl game in the works called The Nexus and a board game based on campground management, title TBD. I also aspire to publish a short story, screen play or novel in the coming years based around original content.
Contributing via Patreon will not only help me out, but I also intend on paying forward your generosity to those folks who are helping with development of my current projects. I have already in the past sent some thank you donations of my own to several of my voice actors for my Mod projects who have done extensive work, as well as my cohort designers MyBad and RonnieMagnum who continue to dish out awesome content to contribute for Odyssey, not to mention the awesome help I get from Pickysaurus, JCBQ, SirJesto and others who help maintain Legacy and develop Odyssey and receiving support will help me continue to do this.
Posted by
Legacy Of The Dragonborn Skyrim2 years ago

(worth installing/playing with)

I have tried most of the major mods on Nexus, along with some minor ones to my taste. One that I've left out so far is Legacy of the Dragonborn.

If I'm honest, the red text on the installation page is a little intimidating. And I'm pretty happy with how I've got things at the moment. Still, LotD seems to have gotten very good reception.

For those who use it, what are your thoughts? Does it actually change the experience of the game for you? What's your favourite part of it?

For context, I enjoy modding my game, but I try to keep my modlist light and the game fairly close to vanilla. I tend to avoid major changes, a lot of my mods just fix, enhance, or add little quality-of-life style things.

Legacy Of The Dragonborn Skyrim Special Edition

Notable ones being Realistic NPCs, Expanded Towns and Cities, Frostfall and Campfire, ASIS and Combat Evolved, Heavy Armory, Realistic Needs and Diseases, various mods for the skill trees and the smithing, alchemy and cooking systems, Deadly Dragons and Immersive Creatures, and Skyrim Unbound (sometimes).

Legacy Of The Dragonborn Sequel

E̶d̶i̶t̶:̶ ̶g̶o̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶s̶l̶e̶e̶p̶,̶ ̶w̶i̶l̶l̶ ̶c̶h̶e̶c̶k̶ ̶b̶a̶c̶k̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶m̶o̶r̶n̶i̶n̶g̶.̶ Yawn! Thanks for all the feedback, I really do appreciate it.

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