Rome Total War Units Guide

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Rome Total War Units Guide

Rome Total War Units Guide

  • edited September 2013

    Auxiliary Briton Slingers [II]
    -Caledonia et Hibernia

    Auxiliary Iberian Slingers [II]


    Auxiliary Rhodian Slingers [III]
    Auxiliary Balearic Slingers [III]
    Auxiliary Sabaean Archers [II]
    Auxiliary Dacian Bowmen [II]

    Auxiliary Egyptian Archers [II]
    -Salamis, region (Cilicia)

    Auxiliary Longbow Hunters [II]

    -Magna Germania
    -Germania Minor

    Auxiliary Persian Archers [III]
    -Media Magna
    -Side & Tarsus regions (Cilicia)

    Auxiliary Syrian Archers [III]

    Auxiliary Cretan Archers [IV]


    Auxiliary Celtic Skirmishers [II]

    -Raetia et Noricum

    Auxiliary Eastern Javelinmen [II]

    -Bithynia et Pontus
    -Galatia et Cappadocia

    Auxiliary Peltasts [II]
    -Syracusae, region (Magna Graecia)

    Auxiliary Numidian Javelinmen [III]
    -Lilybaeum region (Magna Graecia)

    Auxiliary Thracian Peltasts [III]
  • edited September 2013
    Melee Infantry

    Socii Hastati [II]
    -Corsica et Sardinia
    -Cosentia & Brundisium regions (Magna Graecia)

    Auxiliary Bactrian Hillmen [II]

    Auxiliary Celtic Warriors [II]
    -Raetia et Noricum

    Auxiliary Gallic Warriors [II]
    -Ancyra, region (Galatia et Cappadocia)

    Auxiliary Hillmen [II]
    -Bithynia et Pontus
    -Galatia et Cappadocia

    Auxiliary Egyptian Infantry [II]
    -Salamis, region (Cilicia)

    Auxiliary Iberian Swordsmen [II]


    Socii Extraordinarii [III]
    -Corsica et Sardinia
    -Cosentia & Brundisium regions (Magna Graecia)

    Auxiliary Axe Warriors [III]

    -Raetia et Noricum
  • edited September 2013
    Spear Infantry

    Auxiliary Infantry [II]
    -All Regions
    Auxiliary Sabaean Spearmen [II]
    Auxiliary Arabian Spearmen [II]
    -Arabia Felix
    -Arabia Magna

    Auxiliary Spear Band [II]
    -Caledonia et Hibernia

    Auxiliary Dacian Spears [II]


    Auxiliary Spear Brothers [II]

    -Magna Germania
    -Germania Minor

    Auxiliary Hoplites [II]
    -Syracusae, region (Magna Graecia)

    Auxiliary Coastal Levies [II]

    Auxiliary Parthian Spearmen [II]

  • edited September 2013
    Melee Cavalry

    Auxiliary Sabaean Cavalry [II]


    Auxiliary Arabian Cavalry [II]

    -Arabia Felix
    -Arabia Magna

    Auxiliary Bactrian Light Horse [II]

    Auxiliary Briton Scout Riders [II]
    -Caledonia et Hibernia

    Auxiliary Celtic Light Horse [II]
    -Raetia et Noricum

    Auxiliary Spear Horsemen [II]

    Auxiliary Gallic Light Horse [II]
    -Ancyra (Galatia et Cappadocia)

    Auxiliary Germanic Scout Riders [II]
    -Magna Germania
    -Germania Minor

    Auxiliary Citizen Cavalry [II]
    -Syracusae, region only (Magna Graecia)

    Auxiliary Camel Spearmen [II]
    -Arabia Felix
    -Arabia Magna

    Auxiliary Illyrian Cavalry [II]

    Auxiliary Cavalry [III]

    -All regions
    Socii Equites [III]
    -Corsica et Sardinia
    -Cosentia & Brundisium regions (Magna Graecia)

    Auxiliary Iberian Cavalry [III]

    Auxiliary Cappadocian Cavalry [IV]
    -Galatia et Cappadocia

    Shock Cavalry

    Auxiliary Sarmatian Lancers [II]
    Socii Equites Extraordinarii [III]
    -Corsica et Sardinia
    -Cosentia & Brundisium regions (Magna Graecia)

    Auxiliary Persian Cavalry [IV]
    -Media Magna
    -Side & Tarsus regions (Cilicia)
  • edited September 2013
    Archer Cavalry
    Auxiliary Camel Archers [II]
    -Arabia Felix
    -Arabia Magna

    Auxiliary Parthian Horse Archers [II]
    Auxiliary Sarmatian Horse Archers [II]

    Auxiliary Scythian Horse Archers [II]


    Javelin Cavalry
    Auxiliary Horse Skirmishers [II]
    -Bithynia et Pontus
    -Galatia et Cappadocia

    Auxiliary Thracian Cavalry [II]

    Auxiliary Tarantine Cavalry [III]
    -Syracusae, region (Magna Graecia)

    Auxiliary Cantabrian Cavalry [III]
    Auxiliary Numidian Cavalry [III]
    -Lilybaeum (Magna Graecia)
  • edited September 2013
    Auxiliary African Elephants [III]

    Auxiliary Indian War Elephants [IV]



    War Dogs [II]

    -All regions
  • edited September 2013
  • edited September 2013
    I love the Roman Auxiliary system.
    Separate barracks chain for auxiliaries is a great idea and a staggeringly huge variety of units available. I can build a semi-historical alea legions with Socii troops alongside my Manipular legions then use realistic foreign auxiliaries to fight alongside my Roman heavy infantry post Marian reforms.
    If you want the best auxiliaries you need to plan ahead to conquer regions with the most valuable auxiliaries available. This adds a lot of depth to the campaign. It could have been even better with some kind of manpower system limiting Roman troops and forcing the use of auxiliaries but overall the auxiliary system is bloody brilliant.
    Working out which region the different auxiliaries are available is however a huge pain.
    So I made this guide.
  • edited September 2013
  • edited September 2013
    'My GRANDMOTHER could take on this lot, so we should be fine!'
    -Pre-battle phrase from Rome: Total War
  • edited September 2013
    Very nice.
    Was planning on starting a Rome campaign soon, will definitely help me a lot with that.
    Thank you.
  • Senior MemberSwedenPosts: 18,267Registered Users
    Wow, the roman roster is huge! :eek:
    ..I'm going to take my Oathsworn and go cry in a corner now..*sniffs*
  • edited September 2013
    I noticed some interesting stuff whist compiling the list.
    Building auxiliary barracks in Sicily is very beneficial as it will give you can gain Greek troops from Syracusae and Numidian units from Lilybaeum. Hoplites and Numidian Cav for Rome? Yes please.
  • Senior MemberPosts: 215Registered Users
    Basic question - how do auxiliary troops work? I mean they just don't seem as good as regular roman troops but can you recruit them in more places?
  • edited September 2013
    Another cool one is Gallic units from Ancyra (Galatia) in Asia Minor.
    A lot of thought and effort has gone into the Auxiliary units.
  • edited September 2013
    Would be an incredible (as well as historically accurate) feature if they put a maximum on each type of unit from the Manipular Barracks chain. Either that or only allow Manipular units to be recruited in the Roman 'heartland'. This would force the use of auxiliary units, which is exactly what the Romans were forced to do in order to maintain security in their empire.
  • edited September 2013
    Basic question - how do auxiliary troops work? I mean they just don't seem as good as regular roman troops but can you recruit them in more places?

    Auxiliaries are your soldiers who are not entitled Roman to citizenship.
    You build the auxiliary barracks in the region to be able to recruit the units.
    They are not necessarily inferior, its a common misconception.
    They made up at least half of the Roman army historically.
    In very basic terms Rome had limited manpower of actual Roman citizens so specialised in what they were good at, heavy infantry.
    Auxiliary troops and mercenaries provided the vast majority of specialists such as archers, slinger and cavalry to compliment the Roman legions.
    For example, the Balearic islands auxiliaries provided all of Rome's singers and
    Rome abandoned its Equates Cavalry post Marian reforms because the auxilaries were far superior.
    Numidian Cavalry is famed saved the day for Rome at the battle of Zuma.
  • edited September 2013
    Would be an incredible (as well as historically accurate) feature if they put a maximum on each type of unit from the Manipular Barracks chain. Either that or only allow Manipular units to be recruited in the Roman 'heartland'. This would force the use of auxiliary units, which is exactly what the Romans were forced to do in order to maintain security in their empire.

    I agree totally. I play this way with my own “house rules”.
    I would like to see Roman troops capped at 50% of the army limit.
  • edited September 2013
  • edited September 2013
    Si vis pacem, para bellum
  • edited September 2013
  • edited September 2013
    Great guide, thx for this!
    Just started playing Rome.. So how do auxiliary barracks exactly work?
    I want to recruit Tarantine Cavalry as early as possible. According to your guide the unit is only available within a single region of Magna Graecia (Syracuse). Does my aux. barracks have to be in Syracuse, or would it be enough if I have one somewhere else as long as I own the region of Syracuse? Would an aux-camp in Brundisium suffice? Or would it even be enough if I have one in Rome?
    Likewise, If I fulfill the requirements to recruit Cretan Archers in their home province (Hellas), could I build them in an aux-camp or aux-garrison somewhere else?
  • edited September 2013
    As long as you build the required level of auxiliary barracks in the specific region, you will be able to recruit with any army stationed within that province.
  • edited September 2013
    Thx for the reply, but it only partially answered my question.
    For Tarantine Cav, the aux barracks would have to be exactly in Siracuse, Brundisium would not suffice?
    And I if I had an aux garrison in Creta unlocking their archers, I still couldn't build those archers in Italy, even if I have a second aux garrison there?
  • edited September 2013
    Unlocked auxiliary units are not available factionwide, unless specified otherwise. Its only available in the province that has an auxiliary barracks. So Cretan archers are only available in the province of Hellas where you have at least one auxiliary barracks. As for Tarantine Cav, yes you need to have a barracks in Syracuse but once you have it you can recruit it anywhere in Magna Gracia.
  • edited September 2013
    Thx a lot!
    This info will be a priceless help when building up my empire.. I just hate to find out things by trial/error/load/replay 20 turns - at least things that would belong into the game manual!
    @djv: Maybe you want to add such info to the initial posts? It would make your guide even more useful IMHO.
    Also, what are your recommendations for especially useful locations for hiring auxiliaries?
    AFAIK Balearic slingers and Cretan archers are the best of their kind, and they can both be recruited from islands that don't belong to any major faction, so they seem rather easy to get. Also Sicily has very unique auxiliaries on your doorstep. Greek-style in Syracuse and Numidian-style in Lilybaeum (although this would trigger war with Carthage).
    Someone recommended Lybia west of Egypt for Archers and Elephants since the natives there have no powerful allies, but Egyptian Archers are among the weakest..
  • edited September 2013
    Very useful, bookmarked. Would also be nice to get screenshots along with the name.
  • edited September 2013
  • edited September 2013
    Great job making this tutorial!
    The only negative point would be that auxiliaries fought far away from his homeland and not in the same region, but it would be a madness too to try recruit auxiliaries and choose from each possibility so it has sense in someway!! xD
  • Senior MemberSwedenPosts: 5,692Registered Users
    Wow, honestly that is so much more than I could even imagine. Thanks for the guide. (bookmark time)
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